2022 时 尚 展 示

时 尚 高 峰 (香 港) 2022

永续时尚展览 @ 港岛香格里拉

日期 2022年10月31日 (星期一)
时间 下午3时至4时半
地点港岛香格里拉 香岛殿
入场 只限获邀人士
查询 杨小姐︱ (852) 2263 6336︱info@fashionsummit.hk

时尚高峰(香港) 永续时尚展览 @ 港岛香格里拉

是次展览将呈现香港时装设计师所设计的时装系列,以展示他们创作可持续时尚服饰的成功例子。时尚高峰(香港)很荣幸邀请了以下本地时装设计师参与我们在港岛香格里拉 打造的永续时尚展览,观展后如想了解更多,可联系我们或各位设计师。

时 装 设 计 师




设计师 陈绰盈 Doris Kath Chan 毕业于中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院,她于2014年成立了晚装派对裙品牌DORISKATH。Doris 以 「一裙多用」的概念设计,这个设计概念既实用又创新,能让不同个性和身段的女士在不同场合穿着。Doris Kath Cha曾获得多家公司、个人客户以至非牟利团体邀请就品牌和形象方面提供意见。比外,她亦曾获得各大媒体的多个采访。她现为香港时装设计师协会会员,继续代表香港为时装界带来更多新思维。



设计师 陈绰盈 Doris Kath Chan 毕业于中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院,她于2014年成立了晚装派对裙品牌DORISKATH。Doris 以 「一裙多用」的概念设计,这个设计概念既实用又创新,能让不同个性和身段的女士在不同场合穿着。Doris Kath Cha曾获得多家公司、个人客户以至非牟利团体邀请就品牌和形象方面提供意见。比外,她亦曾获得各大媒体的多个采访。她现为香港时装设计师协会会员,继续代表香港为时装界带来更多新思维。




Karen Chan, JP is the Founder, Creative Director & Chief Fashion Designer of modern Chinese chic designer brands SPARKLE COLLECTION and SPARKLE BY KAREN CHAN. Born and raised in Hong Kong, and having studied and lived in US and Canada for 15 years, Karen has a deep appreciation for both Chinese and Western art and culture, with a special passion for HK culture and the iconic cheongsam.

Karen apprenticed under the legendary Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor Master Fung Yau Choi in the art of traditional cheongsam-making, and with an innate sense of style, Karen designs funky modern east-meets-west cheongsams and Tang jackets which retain the intricate Chinese traditional craftsmanship but infused with Western design concepts with regards to patterns, fabrics and wearability, injecting new life and unorthodox game-changing ideas into this priceless national heritage.

Karen’s contribution to society is well recognized. Besides being appointed as Justice of the Peace (JP) by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Karen received an Honorary Fellowship from the Vocational Training Council, is an appointed Council Member of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Adjunct Professor of Hong Kong Baptist University and School Advisor of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University.

Karen takes up various public service roles in the manufacturing as well as the Arts & Cultural sector. She is Deputy Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Vice Chairman of Q Mark Council Committee, Chairman of Hong Kong Furniture Industry Council, Member of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd., and on the Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the council member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Karen also received numerous accolades over the years, including but not limited to:
.Hong Kong Top Brand Award (2022)
.Golden Bauhinia Women Entrepreneur Award – Art & Culture (2022)
.Guangdong-HK- Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award (2022)
.Hong Kong Cultural & Creative Industries Award (2021)
.<> Fashion Magazine Most Successful Women Award (2020)
.JCI Tsuen Wan’s Outstanding Family Business Award (2020)
.GBA Outstanding Women Entrepreneur Award in Family Business (2018)
.Outstanding Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Award (2017)
.Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong Award (2014)
.APEC Young Women Innovator Award (2013)
.Federation of Hong Kong Industries’ s Young Industrialist Award (2009)



Karen Chan, JP is the Founder, Creative Director & Chief Fashion Designer of modern Chinese chic designer brands SPARKLE COLLECTION and SPARKLE BY KAREN CHAN. Born and raised in Hong Kong, and having studied and lived in US and Canada for 15 years, Karen has a deep appreciation for both Chinese and Western art and culture, with a special passion for HK culture and the iconic cheongsam.

Karen apprenticed under the legendary Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor Master Fung Yau Choi in the art of traditional cheongsam-making, and with an innate sense of style, Karen designs funky modern east-meets-west cheongsams and Tang jackets which retain the intricate Chinese traditional craftsmanship but infused with Western design concepts with regards to patterns, fabrics and wearability, injecting new life and unorthodox game-changing ideas into this priceless national heritage.

Karen’s contribution to society is well recognized. Besides being appointed as Justice of the Peace (JP) by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Karen received an Honorary Fellowship from the Vocational Training Council, is an appointed Council Member of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Adjunct Professor of Hong Kong Baptist University and School Advisor of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University.

Karen takes up various public service roles in the manufacturing as well as the Arts & Cultural sector. She is Deputy Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Vice Chairman of Q Mark Council Committee, Chairman of Hong Kong Furniture Industry Council, Member of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd., and on the Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the council member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Karen also received numerous accolades over the years, including but not limited to:
.Hong Kong Top Brand Award (2022)
.Golden Bauhinia Women Entrepreneur Award – Art & Culture (2022)
.Guangdong-HK- Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award (2022)
.Hong Kong Cultural & Creative Industries Award (2021)
.<> Fashion Magazine Most Successful Women Award (2020)
.JCI Tsuen Wan’s Outstanding Family Business Award (2020)
.GBA Outstanding Women Entrepreneur Award in Family Business (2018)
.Outstanding Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Award (2017)
.Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong Award (2014)
.APEC Young Women Innovator Award (2013)
.Federation of Hong Kong Industries’ s Young Industrialist Award (2009)




After graduating from the BA Design program at Raffles Hong Kong in 2014, Rickyy’s graduate collection was selected for exhibit during Hong Kong Fashion Week, and appeared in the “Visceral Instinct” fashion show during Hong Kong Fashion Week 2015, and again at “The Hub” trade fair HK in 2015. Following this, Rickyy showed his Spring Summer 16/17 collection during Vancouver Fashion Week and LA Fashion Week, as well as showing the “MAN/WOMAN” showroom in Shanghai Fashion Week. The brand took a short hiatus as Rickyy studied for his MA Fashion at the renowned Bunka University in Tokyo / ENSAD Paris double degree program, showing his Masters graduate collection in Paris during the ENSAD show in July 2019.



After graduating from the BA Design program at Raffles Hong Kong in 2014, Rickyy’s graduate collection was selected for exhibit during Hong Kong Fashion Week, and appeared in the “Visceral Instinct” fashion show during Hong Kong Fashion Week 2015, and again at “The Hub” trade fair HK in 2015. Following this, Rickyy showed his Spring Summer 16/17 collection during Vancouver Fashion Week and LA Fashion Week, as well as showing the “MAN/WOMAN” showroom in Shanghai Fashion Week. The brand took a short hiatus as Rickyy studied for his MA Fashion at the renowned Bunka University in Tokyo / ENSAD Paris double degree program, showing his Masters graduate collection in Paris during the ENSAD show in July 2019.




Glori Tsui (徐思倩) 是一位香港设计师,曾在世界各地留学、居住和工作。她深信每个人都值得拥有一套独特的方式,展现属于自己的美学和人生态度。身为一位设计师,Glori坚持作品需要内外兼备,除了外观设计吸引外,亦同时要赋予内涵和意义。

她于2012年成立了个人时装及饰物品牌Methodology。 品牌理念强调每样产品都没有绝对的穿戴方法,鼓励客人利用饰物系列中可以拆卸、重组的设计特点,来创建自己的个人风格和穿戴方法。

Methodology品牌饰品系列于2016 年获得到「亚洲最具影响力设计铜奖」,并与世界各地不同的百货公司和零售热点合作,包括连卡佛、夏菲尼高、老佛爷和伊势丹百货等。



Glori Tsui (徐思倩) 是一位香港设计师,曾在世界各地留学、居住和工作。她深信每个人都值得拥有一套独特的方式,展现属于自己的美学和人生态度。身为一位设计师,Glori坚持作品需要内外兼备,除了外观设计吸引外,亦同时要赋予内涵和意义。

她于2012年成立了个人时装及饰物品牌Methodology。 品牌理念强调每样产品都没有绝对的穿戴方法,鼓励客人利用饰物系列中可以拆卸、重组的设计特点,来创建自己的个人风格和穿戴方法。

Methodology品牌饰品系列于2016 年获得到「亚洲最具影响力设计铜奖」,并与世界各地不同的百货公司和零售热点合作,包括连卡佛、夏菲尼高、老佛爷和伊势丹百货等。




Ms. Juliana Lam (林晓盈) is the Founder and Chairman of Julius Group Holdings Ltd, an OEM gloves manufacturer. Julius Group is a forward-thinking company, it has been undergoing a transformation from a conventional manufacturing company to a rising international corporate with the prevailed idea of ESG – environment, social and governance.

With her ample experience in the industry, Ms. Lam spearheaded to start a new retail & wholesale branded business in 2020, “INNOTIER”. She is the Founder and President of the Company on the top of her honor obligatory role with The Association of Hong Kong Gloves Traders Limited. Her mission is to run a “business with purposes”, aim at developing products with sophisticated hygiene technologies while shouldering up the social responsibility. Corporate responsibility value is deeply ingrained in INNOTIER, striving to provide the best hygiene solution for a sustainable lifestyle due to the changing natural environment. Beholding the philosophy of ESG, INNOTIER has been making a great variety of fashionable products that scientifically helps to protect the daily life of everyone, such as mask, gloves, ready-to-wear. Within two years, the company has officially patented four technologies, that includes the fabric woven with pure silver yarns that can eliminate viruses and bacteria and technology of UVC sterilization LED Array.

The company has actualized the mission in accordance to The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by focusing on well-being, hygiene innovation and taking action to climate change. In 2021, INNOTIER was awarded as a Certified Sustainable Development Corporation (CSDC) by the UNESCO. In 2022, Ms Lam was the winner of the Sustainability Leader of the Year, awarded by Hong Kong Management Association. In 2023, she is awarded as the Chief Innovation Officer of the Year by China ECI Award.

Ms Lam has successfully transformed her OEM family business by expanding a new branded technological fashion business. The intelligence of applying patented technology takes the business to another level, being cerebral, innovative and scientific. The business achieves her mission, “fashion that protects and prevents” and “Business with Purposes”.



Ms. Juliana Lam (林晓盈) is the Founder and Chairman of Julius Group Holdings Ltd, an OEM gloves manufacturer. Julius Group is a forward-thinking company, it has been undergoing a transformation from a conventional manufacturing company to a rising international corporate with the prevailed idea of ESG – environment, social and governance.

With her ample experience in the industry, Ms. Lam spearheaded to start a new retail & wholesale branded business in 2020, “INNOTIER”. She is the Founder and President of the Company on the top of her honor obligatory role with The Association of Hong Kong Gloves Traders Limited. Her mission is to run a “business with purposes”, aim at developing products with sophisticated hygiene technologies while shouldering up the social responsibility. Corporate responsibility value is deeply ingrained in INNOTIER, striving to provide the best hygiene solution for a sustainable lifestyle due to the changing natural environment. Beholding the philosophy of ESG, INNOTIER has been making a great variety of fashionable products that scientifically helps to protect the daily life of everyone, such as mask, gloves, ready-to-wear. Within two years, the company has officially patented four technologies, that includes the fabric woven with pure silver yarns that can eliminate viruses and bacteria and technology of UVC sterilization LED Array.

The company has actualized the mission in accordance to The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by focusing on well-being, hygiene innovation and taking action to climate change. In 2021, INNOTIER was awarded as a Certified Sustainable Development Corporation (CSDC) by the UNESCO. In 2022, Ms Lam was the winner of the Sustainability Leader of the Year, awarded by Hong Kong Management Association. In 2023, she is awarded as the Chief Innovation Officer of the Year by China ECI Award.

Ms Lam has successfully transformed her OEM family business by expanding a new branded technological fashion business. The intelligence of applying patented technology takes the business to another level, being cerebral, innovative and scientific. The business achieves her mission, “fashion that protects and prevents” and “Business with Purposes”.




Mountain Yam 任朗呈是一位多面的时装设计师。 Mountain不仅是一位企业家,他还是行业领袖、影响者、造型师、演讲者、专栏作家和评委等。 Mountain 的个人设计使命是提醒人们世界很大,充满活力,充满灵感。 Mountain毕业于香港理工大学纺织及制衣学院,获时装设计硕士学位,并于纽约时装科技学院及帕森斯设计学院取得多项证书。

2014年,Mountain Yam在《Perspective》杂志举办的「四十骄子」大奖中评为「40岁以下新一代设计人才」。同年,他创立了自己的公司MY FASHION INTERNATIONAL LIMITED,兵分三条生产线,进行原厂委托制造(OBM)、设计加工(ODM)及生产自家品牌(OEM)——时尚成衣品牌112 mountainyam。 Mountain Yam于2015年荣获《Jessica Code》杂志颁发「Dynamic Style Icon Award」,继而在2016年勇夺《Jessica》杂志的「香港设计师奖」。其后更在2018年代表香港参展「一带一路:国际新生代时装设计师巡演」。

Mountain 喜欢探索世界,通过他在世界不同地区的冒险经历,可以将新的文化元素带入他的设计中并激发他人。除了时尚,他还热爱艺术与设计、建筑、旅游、文化与生活方式、饮食、健身与宠物等。




Mountain Yam 任朗呈是一位多面的时装设计师。 Mountain不仅是一位企业家,他还是行业领袖、影响者、造型师、演讲者、专栏作家和评委等。 Mountain 的个人设计使命是提醒人们世界很大,充满活力,充满灵感。 Mountain毕业于香港理工大学纺织及制衣学院,获时装设计硕士学位,并于纽约时装科技学院及帕森斯设计学院取得多项证书。

2014年,Mountain Yam在《Perspective》杂志举办的「四十骄子」大奖中评为「40岁以下新一代设计人才」。同年,他创立了自己的公司MY FASHION INTERNATIONAL LIMITED,兵分三条生产线,进行原厂委托制造(OBM)、设计加工(ODM)及生产自家品牌(OEM)——时尚成衣品牌112 mountainyam。 Mountain Yam于2015年荣获《Jessica Code》杂志颁发「Dynamic Style Icon Award」,继而在2016年勇夺《Jessica》杂志的「香港设计师奖」。其后更在2018年代表香港参展「一带一路:国际新生代时装设计师巡演」。

Mountain 喜欢探索世界,通过他在世界不同地区的冒险经历,可以将新的文化元素带入他的设计中并激发他人。除了时尚,他还热爱艺术与设计、建筑、旅游、文化与生活方式、饮食、健身与宠物等。




Quarter Past 3hree

Wilson Ma (马俊生), opening his first boutique in Hong Kong in 2020 – called Quarter Past 3hree – He studied in the UK majoring economics. After graduation, He was inspired by his father that to become a fashion designer. Since Wilson Ma did not study any fashion related subjects in his entire school life, he started to work in his father’s company as an internship in order to experience all the knowledge and steps of the fashion design industry. Starting from zero, he tried to produce different styles of clothing, absorb different comments from the clients and build up his own style for his brand. Recently, he has opened his second boutique coming with a brand new collection


Quarter Past 3hree

Wilson Ma (马俊生), opening his first boutique in Hong Kong in 2020 – called Quarter Past 3hree – He studied in the UK majoring economics. After graduation, He was inspired by his father that to become a fashion designer. Since Wilson Ma did not study any fashion related subjects in his entire school life, he started to work in his father’s company as an internship in order to experience all the knowledge and steps of the fashion design industry. Starting from zero, he tried to produce different styles of clothing, absorb different comments from the clients and build up his own style for his brand. Recently, he has opened his second boutique coming with a brand new collection



Glori Tsui (徐思倩) 是一位香港设计师,曾在世界各地留学、居住和工作。她深信每个人都值得拥有一套独特的方式,展现属于自己的美学和人生态度。身为一位设计师,Glori坚持作品需要内外兼备,除了外观设计吸引外,亦同时要赋予内涵和意义。

她于2012年成立了个人时装及饰物品牌Methodology。 品牌理念强调每样产品都没有绝对的穿戴方法,鼓励客人利用饰物系列中可以拆卸、重组的设计特点,来创建自己的个人风格和穿戴方法。

Methodology品牌饰品系列于2016 年获得到「亚洲最具影响力设计铜奖」,并与世界各地不同的百货公司和零售热点合作,包括连卡佛、夏菲尼高、老佛爷和伊势丹百货等。



Glori Tsui (徐思倩) 是一位香港设计师,曾在世界各地留学、居住和工作。她深信每个人都值得拥有一套独特的方式,展现属于自己的美学和人生态度。身为一位设计师,Glori坚持作品需要内外兼备,除了外观设计吸引外,亦同时要赋予内涵和意义。

她于2012年成立了个人时装及饰物品牌Methodology。 品牌理念强调每样产品都没有绝对的穿戴方法,鼓励客人利用饰物系列中可以拆卸、重组的设计特点,来创建自己的个人风格和穿戴方法。

Methodology品牌饰品系列于2016 年获得到「亚洲最具影响力设计铜奖」,并与世界各地不同的百货公司和零售热点合作,包括连卡佛、夏菲尼高、老佛爷和伊势丹百货等。



After graduating from the BA Design program at Raffles Hong Kong in 2014, Rickyy’s graduate collection was selected for exhibit during Hong Kong Fashion Week, and appeared in the “Visceral Instinct” fashion show during Hong Kong Fashion Week 2015, and again at “The Hub” trade fair HK in 2015. Following this, Rickyy showed his Spring Summer 16/17 collection during Vancouver Fashion Week and LA Fashion Week, as well as showing the “MAN/WOMAN” showroom in Shanghai Fashion Week. The brand took a short hiatus as Rickyy studied for his MA Fashion at the renowned Bunka University in Tokyo / ENSAD Paris double degree program, showing his Masters graduate collection in Paris during the ENSAD show in July 2019.



After graduating from the BA Design program at Raffles Hong Kong in 2014, Rickyy’s graduate collection was selected for exhibit during Hong Kong Fashion Week, and appeared in the “Visceral Instinct” fashion show during Hong Kong Fashion Week 2015, and again at “The Hub” trade fair HK in 2015. Following this, Rickyy showed his Spring Summer 16/17 collection during Vancouver Fashion Week and LA Fashion Week, as well as showing the “MAN/WOMAN” showroom in Shanghai Fashion Week. The brand took a short hiatus as Rickyy studied for his MA Fashion at the renowned Bunka University in Tokyo / ENSAD Paris double degree program, showing his Masters graduate collection in Paris during the ENSAD show in July 2019.



Karen Chan, JP is the Founder, Creative Director & Chief Fashion Designer of modern Chinese chic designer brands SPARKLE COLLECTION and SPARKLE BY KAREN CHAN. Born and raised in Hong Kong, and having studied and lived in US and Canada for 15 years, Karen has a deep appreciation for both Chinese and Western art and culture, with a special passion for HK culture and the iconic cheongsam.

Karen apprenticed under the legendary Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor Master Fung Yau Choi in the art of traditional cheongsam-making, and with an innate sense of style, Karen designs funky modern east-meets-west cheongsams and Tang jackets which retain the intricate Chinese traditional craftsmanship but infused with Western design concepts with regards to patterns, fabrics and wearability, injecting new life and unorthodox game-changing ideas into this priceless national heritage.

Karen’s contribution to society is well recognized. Besides being appointed as Justice of the Peace (JP) by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Karen received an Honorary Fellowship from the Vocational Training Council, is an appointed Council Member of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Adjunct Professor of Hong Kong Baptist University and School Advisor of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University.

Karen takes up various public service roles in the manufacturing as well as the Arts & Cultural sector. She is Deputy Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Vice Chairman of Q Mark Council Committee, Chairman of Hong Kong Furniture Industry Council, Member of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd., and on the Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the council member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Karen also received numerous accolades over the years, including but not limited to:
.Hong Kong Top Brand Award (2022)
.Golden Bauhinia Women Entrepreneur Award – Art & Culture (2022)
.Guangdong-HK- Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award (2022)
.Hong Kong Cultural & Creative Industries Award (2021)
.<> Fashion Magazine Most Successful Women Award (2020)
.JCI Tsuen Wan’s Outstanding Family Business Award (2020)
.GBA Outstanding Women Entrepreneur Award in Family Business (2018)
.Outstanding Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Award (2017)
.Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong Award (2014)
.APEC Young Women Innovator Award (2013)
.Federation of Hong Kong Industries’ s Young Industrialist Award (2009)



Karen Chan, JP is the Founder, Creative Director & Chief Fashion Designer of modern Chinese chic designer brands SPARKLE COLLECTION and SPARKLE BY KAREN CHAN. Born and raised in Hong Kong, and having studied and lived in US and Canada for 15 years, Karen has a deep appreciation for both Chinese and Western art and culture, with a special passion for HK culture and the iconic cheongsam.

Karen apprenticed under the legendary Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor Master Fung Yau Choi in the art of traditional cheongsam-making, and with an innate sense of style, Karen designs funky modern east-meets-west cheongsams and Tang jackets which retain the intricate Chinese traditional craftsmanship but infused with Western design concepts with regards to patterns, fabrics and wearability, injecting new life and unorthodox game-changing ideas into this priceless national heritage.

Karen’s contribution to society is well recognized. Besides being appointed as Justice of the Peace (JP) by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Karen received an Honorary Fellowship from the Vocational Training Council, is an appointed Council Member of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Adjunct Professor of Hong Kong Baptist University and School Advisor of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University.

Karen takes up various public service roles in the manufacturing as well as the Arts & Cultural sector. She is Deputy Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Vice Chairman of Q Mark Council Committee, Chairman of Hong Kong Furniture Industry Council, Member of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd., and on the Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the council member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Karen also received numerous accolades over the years, including but not limited to:
.Hong Kong Top Brand Award (2022)
.Golden Bauhinia Women Entrepreneur Award – Art & Culture (2022)
.Guangdong-HK- Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award (2022)
.Hong Kong Cultural & Creative Industries Award (2021)
.<> Fashion Magazine Most Successful Women Award (2020)
.JCI Tsuen Wan’s Outstanding Family Business Award (2020)
.GBA Outstanding Women Entrepreneur Award in Family Business (2018)
.Outstanding Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Award (2017)
.Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong Award (2014)
.APEC Young Women Innovator Award (2013)
.Federation of Hong Kong Industries’ s Young Industrialist Award (2009)



Mountain Yam 任朗呈是一位多面的时装设计师。 Mountain不仅是一位企业家,他还是行业领袖、影响者、造型师、演讲者、专栏作家和评委等。 Mountain 的个人设计使命是提醒人们世界很大,充满活力,充满灵感。 Mountain毕业于香港理工大学纺织及制衣学院,获时装设计硕士学位,并于纽约时装科技学院及帕森斯设计学院取得多项证书。

2014年,Mountain Yam在《Perspective》杂志举办的「四十骄子」大奖中评为「40岁以下新一代设计人才」。同年,他创立了自己的公司MY FASHION INTERNATIONAL LIMITED,兵分三条生产线,进行原厂委托制造(OBM)、设计加工(ODM)及生产自家品牌(OEM)——时尚成衣品牌112 mountainyam。 Mountain Yam于2015年荣获《Jessica Code》杂志颁发「Dynamic Style Icon Award」,继而在2016年勇夺《Jessica》杂志的「香港设计师奖」。其后更在2018年代表香港参展「一带一路:国际新生代时装设计师巡演」。

Mountain 喜欢探索世界,通过他在世界不同地区的冒险经历,可以将新的文化元素带入他的设计中并激发他人。除了时尚,他还热爱艺术与设计、建筑、旅游、文化与生活方式、饮食、健身与宠物等。




Mountain Yam 任朗呈是一位多面的时装设计师。 Mountain不仅是一位企业家,他还是行业领袖、影响者、造型师、演讲者、专栏作家和评委等。 Mountain 的个人设计使命是提醒人们世界很大,充满活力,充满灵感。 Mountain毕业于香港理工大学纺织及制衣学院,获时装设计硕士学位,并于纽约时装科技学院及帕森斯设计学院取得多项证书。

2014年,Mountain Yam在《Perspective》杂志举办的「四十骄子」大奖中评为「40岁以下新一代设计人才」。同年,他创立了自己的公司MY FASHION INTERNATIONAL LIMITED,兵分三条生产线,进行原厂委托制造(OBM)、设计加工(ODM)及生产自家品牌(OEM)——时尚成衣品牌112 mountainyam。 Mountain Yam于2015年荣获《Jessica Code》杂志颁发「Dynamic Style Icon Award」,继而在2016年勇夺《Jessica》杂志的「香港设计师奖」。其后更在2018年代表香港参展「一带一路:国际新生代时装设计师巡演」。

Mountain 喜欢探索世界,通过他在世界不同地区的冒险经历,可以将新的文化元素带入他的设计中并激发他人。除了时尚,他还热爱艺术与设计、建筑、旅游、文化与生活方式、饮食、健身与宠物等。



Quarter Past 3hree

Wilson Ma (马俊生), opening his first boutique in Hong Kong in 2020 – called Quarter Past 3hree – He studied in the UK majoring economics. After graduation, He was inspired by his father that to become a fashion designer. Since Wilson Ma did not study any fashion related subjects in his entire school life, he started to work in his father’s company as an internship in order to experience all the knowledge and steps of the fashion design industry. Starting from zero, he tried to produce different styles of clothing, absorb different comments from the clients and build up his own style for his brand. Recently, he has opened his second boutique coming with a brand new collection


Quarter Past 3hree

Wilson Ma (马俊生), opening his first boutique in Hong Kong in 2020 – called Quarter Past 3hree – He studied in the UK majoring economics. After graduation, He was inspired by his father that to become a fashion designer. Since Wilson Ma did not study any fashion related subjects in his entire school life, he started to work in his father’s company as an internship in order to experience all the knowledge and steps of the fashion design industry. Starting from zero, he tried to produce different styles of clothing, absorb different comments from the clients and build up his own style for his brand. Recently, he has opened his second boutique coming with a brand new collection



Ms. Juliana Lam (林晓盈) is the Founder and Chairman of Julius Group Holdings Ltd, an OEM gloves manufacturer. Julius Group is a forward-thinking company, it has been undergoing a transformation from a conventional manufacturing company to a rising international corporate with the prevailed idea of ESG – environment, social and governance.

With her ample experience in the industry, Ms. Lam spearheaded to start a new retail & wholesale branded business in 2020, “INNOTIER”. She is the Founder and President of the Company on the top of her honor obligatory role with The Association of Hong Kong Gloves Traders Limited. Her mission is to run a “business with purposes”, aim at developing products with sophisticated hygiene technologies while shouldering up the social responsibility. Corporate responsibility value is deeply ingrained in INNOTIER, striving to provide the best hygiene solution for a sustainable lifestyle due to the changing natural environment. Beholding the philosophy of ESG, INNOTIER has been making a great variety of fashionable products that scientifically helps to protect the daily life of everyone, such as mask, gloves, ready-to-wear. Within two years, the company has officially patented four technologies, that includes the fabric woven with pure silver yarns that can eliminate viruses and bacteria and technology of UVC sterilization LED Array.

The company has actualized the mission in accordance to The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by focusing on well-being, hygiene innovation and taking action to climate change. In 2021, INNOTIER was awarded as a Certified Sustainable Development Corporation (CSDC) by the UNESCO. In 2022, Ms Lam was the winner of the Sustainability Leader of the Year, awarded by Hong Kong Management Association. In 2023, she is awarded as the Chief Innovation Officer of the Year by China ECI Award.

Ms Lam has successfully transformed her OEM family business by expanding a new branded technological fashion business. The intelligence of applying patented technology takes the business to another level, being cerebral, innovative and scientific. The business achieves her mission, “fashion that protects and prevents” and “Business with Purposes”.



Ms. Juliana Lam (林晓盈) is the Founder and Chairman of Julius Group Holdings Ltd, an OEM gloves manufacturer. Julius Group is a forward-thinking company, it has been undergoing a transformation from a conventional manufacturing company to a rising international corporate with the prevailed idea of ESG – environment, social and governance.

With her ample experience in the industry, Ms. Lam spearheaded to start a new retail & wholesale branded business in 2020, “INNOTIER”. She is the Founder and President of the Company on the top of her honor obligatory role with The Association of Hong Kong Gloves Traders Limited. Her mission is to run a “business with purposes”, aim at developing products with sophisticated hygiene technologies while shouldering up the social responsibility. Corporate responsibility value is deeply ingrained in INNOTIER, striving to provide the best hygiene solution for a sustainable lifestyle due to the changing natural environment. Beholding the philosophy of ESG, INNOTIER has been making a great variety of fashionable products that scientifically helps to protect the daily life of everyone, such as mask, gloves, ready-to-wear. Within two years, the company has officially patented four technologies, that includes the fabric woven with pure silver yarns that can eliminate viruses and bacteria and technology of UVC sterilization LED Array.

The company has actualized the mission in accordance to The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by focusing on well-being, hygiene innovation and taking action to climate change. In 2021, INNOTIER was awarded as a Certified Sustainable Development Corporation (CSDC) by the UNESCO. In 2022, Ms Lam was the winner of the Sustainability Leader of the Year, awarded by Hong Kong Management Association. In 2023, she is awarded as the Chief Innovation Officer of the Year by China ECI Award.

Ms Lam has successfully transformed her OEM family business by expanding a new branded technological fashion business. The intelligence of applying patented technology takes the business to another level, being cerebral, innovative and scientific. The business achieves her mission, “fashion that protects and prevents” and “Business with Purposes”.



设计师 陈绰盈 Doris Kath Chan 毕业于中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院,她于2014年成立了晚装派对裙品牌DORISKATH。Doris 以 「一裙多用」的概念设计,这个设计概念既实用又创新,能让不同个性和身段的女士在不同场合穿着。Doris Kath Cha曾获得多家公司、个人客户以至非牟利团体邀请就品牌和形象方面提供意见。比外,她亦曾获得各大媒体的多个采访。她现为香港时装设计师协会会员,继续代表香港为时装界带来更多新思维。



设计师 陈绰盈 Doris Kath Chan 毕业于中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院,她于2014年成立了晚装派对裙品牌DORISKATH。Doris 以 「一裙多用」的概念设计,这个设计概念既实用又创新,能让不同个性和身段的女士在不同场合穿着。Doris Kath Cha曾获得多家公司、个人客户以至非牟利团体邀请就品牌和形象方面提供意见。比外,她亦曾获得各大媒体的多个采访。她现为香港时装设计师协会会员,继续代表香港为时装界带来更多新思维。

品 牌

主 要 赞 助 机 构

合 办 机 构


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时尚高峰(香港) 2023





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时尚高峰(香港) 2022

「时装世界 X 环保包装」研讨会


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时尚高峰(香港) 2022





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