
时尚高峰(香港) 2024

时尚高峰(香港) 2024


推动永续时尚业务 推动永续时尚业务 推动永续时尚业务 推动永续时尚业务 推动永续时尚业务 推动永续时尚业务
时尚 永续 设计 时尚 永续 设计 时尚 永续 设计 时尚 永续 设计

Gemma A. Williams

Gemma A. Williams


Gemma is a writer, curator and consultant focused on the China market. She writes for Vogue Business and is curating a Chinese illustration show with Paul Smith for Lunar New Year. Previous work includes reporting for the Business of Fashion and organising VOICES as well as running the luxury publication Jing Daily. Her book Fashion China (Thames & Hudson, 2015) was the first title to offer an overview of the phenomenon of Chinese fashion designers and she has curated exhibitions for the British Council, London College of Fashion and Design & Crafts Ireland – DCCI

Gemma A. Williams


Gemma is a writer, curator and consultant focused on the China market. She writes for Vogue Business and is curating a Chinese illustration show with Paul Smith for Lunar New Year. Previous work includes reporting for the Business of Fashion and organising VOICES as well as running the luxury publication Jing Daily. Her book Fashion China (Thames & Hudson, 2015) was the first title to offer an overview of the phenomenon of Chinese fashion designers and she has curated exhibitions for the British Council, London College of Fashion and Design & Crafts Ireland – DCCI

Jim Ajioka 博士

Jim Ajioka 博士

Colorifix 首席科学官

Jim is a founder and Chief Science Officer. Jim has had a life-long passion for the environment, with a PhD in Ecology and Evolution. At the University of Cambridge, Jim’s background in building tools for molecular genome analysis led to early adoption of synthetic biology methods aimed at the construction of a biosensor as a sustainable method to assess arsenic contamination of drinking water in Nepal and Bangladesh.

Jim Ajioka 博士

Colorifix 首席科学官

Jim is a founder and Chief Science Officer. Jim has had a life-long passion for the environment, with a PhD in Ecology and Evolution. At the University of Cambridge, Jim’s background in building tools for molecular genome analysis led to early adoption of synthetic biology methods aimed at the construction of a biosensor as a sustainable method to assess arsenic contamination of drinking water in Nepal and Bangladesh.




Jeanne is a design practitioner who investigates creative innovation that interfaces design and technology. Her research focuses on intelligent textile design for fashion, interiors, rehabilitation, and Design-Led STEM processes. Jeanne’s research in intelligent textiles had been patented and commercially licensed for real-world applications. Her work had been showcased at Milan Fashion Week, the Victoria & Albert Museum, and collected as part of the permanent collection of the National Museum of Silk, China. Jeanne’s work had received international coverage including Vogue, WGSN, Harper’s Bazaar and the Public Broadcasting Service (USA). Jeanne is often invited to speak internationally at events such as TedX, ArcInTex, E-Textiles. Recent awards include iF International Design 2023 and Red Dot 2023. Her university service activities had contributed to the securing of a large-scale HKD$ 207 million strategic grant from InnoHK Research Clusters and PolyU’s unprecedented HK RAE2020 results for UoA38 Creative Arts, Performing Arts & Design. As a design consultant, Jeanne works with companies and organizations to implement fashion, textile, and creative education solutions. Her consultancies include LVMH Group (Celine, Givenchy, Kenzo, Loewe, Marc Jacobs), Nike, Alibaba, Fashionary, Kiabi, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, The Hong Kong SAR Government (EMSD) and The Hong Kong Red Cross.



Jeanne is a design practitioner who investigates creative innovation that interfaces design and technology. Her research focuses on intelligent textile design for fashion, interiors, rehabilitation, and Design-Led STEM processes. Jeanne’s research in intelligent textiles had been patented and commercially licensed for real-world applications. Her work had been showcased at Milan Fashion Week, the Victoria & Albert Museum, and collected as part of the permanent collection of the National Museum of Silk, China. Jeanne’s work had received international coverage including Vogue, WGSN, Harper’s Bazaar and the Public Broadcasting Service (USA). Jeanne is often invited to speak internationally at events such as TedX, ArcInTex, E-Textiles. Recent awards include iF International Design 2023 and Red Dot 2023. Her university service activities had contributed to the securing of a large-scale HKD$ 207 million strategic grant from InnoHK Research Clusters and PolyU’s unprecedented HK RAE2020 results for UoA38 Creative Arts, Performing Arts & Design. As a design consultant, Jeanne works with companies and organizations to implement fashion, textile, and creative education solutions. Her consultancies include LVMH Group (Celine, Givenchy, Kenzo, Loewe, Marc Jacobs), Nike, Alibaba, Fashionary, Kiabi, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, The Hong Kong SAR Government (EMSD) and The Hong Kong Red Cross.




Emily Ng joined ANTA Sports Products Limited (Stock code: 2020) in 2014 and is the Senior Manager, ESG for the company. She has been preparing the first ESG report since 2015 and has become an active participant in promoting sustainability and corporate governance. Currently, she is responsible for ESG disclosure and strategy within the company. Before joining the sustainability team, she was the Senior Investor Relations Manager, and was named the second place in Rising Star from the IR Magazine in 2017 as well as the third place in Best IR Professional-Sell Side from the Institutional Investor in 2019. Prior to joining ANTA Sports, she had two years of work experience in the banking and finance industry.


Emily graduated from Macquarie University in Australia with a Bachelor of Applied Finance degree. She is currently an Associate of The Chartered Governance Institute (formerly: The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) and The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute (formerly: The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators). She is also pursuing the Master of Social Sciences in the field of Sustainability Leadership and Governance at the University of Hong Kong from 2021 to 2023.



Emily Ng joined ANTA Sports Products Limited (Stock code: 2020) in 2014 and is the Senior Manager, ESG for the company. She has been preparing the first ESG report since 2015 and has become an active participant in promoting sustainability and corporate governance. Currently, she is responsible for ESG disclosure and strategy within the company. Before joining the sustainability team, she was the Senior Investor Relations Manager, and was named the second place in Rising Star from the IR Magazine in 2017 as well as the third place in Best IR Professional-Sell Side from the Institutional Investor in 2019. Prior to joining ANTA Sports, she had two years of work experience in the banking and finance industry.


Emily graduated from Macquarie University in Australia with a Bachelor of Applied Finance degree. She is currently an Associate of The Chartered Governance Institute (formerly: The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) and The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute (formerly: The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators). She is also pursuing the Master of Social Sciences in the field of Sustainability Leadership and Governance at the University of Hong Kong from 2021 to 2023.

黄伟纶先生, GBS, JP

黄伟纶先生, GBS, JP




黄伟纶先生, GBS, JP






可持续服装联盟 集体行动计划总监

Dr Joyce Tsoi is the Director of Collective Action Programs at the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC). She leads SAC’s Decarbonization Collective Action programs and activities globally. She works closely with SAC members and ecosystem partners to integrate sustainability into their business strategies, prioritize actions on climate change, accelerate sustainable environmental and social impacts programs and transform our industry into one that gives more than it takes- to the people and the planet. She brings over 17 years of diverse global industry experience, leading global supply chain sustainability program for multinational companies, driving key corporate and industry-wide sustainability strategies and efforts through the adoption and verification of Higg tools, water and wastewater compliance, Science Based Targets (SBTs), energy efficiency and renewable energy program across multiple industry sectors including apparel and footwear, electronics, hardgoods, home goods, food and beverage and toys industries globally. She is also a Honorary Senior Lecturer of the Sustainability Leadership and Governance Program at the University of Hong Kong.


可持续服装联盟 集体行动计划总监

Dr Joyce Tsoi is the Director of Collective Action Programs at the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC). She leads SAC’s Decarbonization Collective Action programs and activities globally. She works closely with SAC members and ecosystem partners to integrate sustainability into their business strategies, prioritize actions on climate change, accelerate sustainable environmental and social impacts programs and transform our industry into one that gives more than it takes- to the people and the planet. She brings over 17 years of diverse global industry experience, leading global supply chain sustainability program for multinational companies, driving key corporate and industry-wide sustainability strategies and efforts through the adoption and verification of Higg tools, water and wastewater compliance, Science Based Targets (SBTs), energy efficiency and renewable energy program across multiple industry sectors including apparel and footwear, electronics, hardgoods, home goods, food and beverage and toys industries globally. She is also a Honorary Senior Lecturer of the Sustainability Leadership and Governance Program at the University of Hong Kong.

Craig Smith

Craig Smith

PANGAIA 研发与开发总监

Craig Smith leads a multi-disciplinary Research and Development team at PANGAIA whose goal is scout, develop and collaborate to commercialise new responsibly innovative technologies in premium lifestyle products. The team’s research scope covers various material science disciplines such as green chemistry, bio materials and biopolymers whilst also investigating aspects of process innovation. Craig holds a masters degree in the Science and Engineering of Materials as well as a bachelor’s degree in Sport & Materials Science from the University of Birmingham. Craig has spent most of his career within the sports engineering space with a focus on polymers, holding roles at Speedo, Lululemon, Adidas and Lacoste. During his time at these brands he has worked on several high profile projects such as London 2012 for Speedo (Fastskin3), Sub2 for Adidas and the first performance tennis shoe for lacoste (AG-LT Ultra) now worn by Daniil Medvedev.

Craig Smith

PANGAIA 研发与开发总监

Craig Smith leads a multi-disciplinary Research and Development team at PANGAIA whose goal is scout, develop and collaborate to commercialise new responsibly innovative technologies in premium lifestyle products. The team’s research scope covers various material science disciplines such as green chemistry, bio materials and biopolymers whilst also investigating aspects of process innovation. Craig holds a masters degree in the Science and Engineering of Materials as well as a bachelor’s degree in Sport & Materials Science from the University of Birmingham. Craig has spent most of his career within the sports engineering space with a focus on polymers, holding roles at Speedo, Lululemon, Adidas and Lacoste. During his time at these brands he has worked on several high profile projects such as London 2012 for Speedo (Fastskin3), Sub2 for Adidas and the first performance tennis shoe for lacoste (AG-LT Ultra) now worn by Daniil Medvedev.

梁君彦议员, 大紫荆勋贤, GBS, JP

梁君彦议员, 大紫荆勋贤, GBS, JP



梁君彦议员, 大紫荆勋贤, GBS, JP



陈亨利博士, BBS, JP, LHD

陈亨利博士, BBS, JP, LHD


陈亨利于在中国内地、香港、东南亚及西太平洋地区积逾四十年营商经验,深悉当地市场和经营环境,并建立了广阔的合作关系。陈亨利于70年代开始参与家族在关岛的航运贸易业务,并扩展业务至不同行业,包括旅游、零售、渔业、空运、国际船运、地勤与机场服务、石油、保险、医疗、物流、地产等。今天联泰已成为综合性国际集团。联泰零售把斯凯奇打造为中国三大国际运动品牌之一,并在亚洲管理一系列世界知名品牌。在陈亨利领导下,海天地悅旅集團有限公司(股份代号:1832)成为塞班及关岛领先优闲旅游集团,并于2019年在香港联交所上市。 陈亨利参与服饰制造业超过三十年,與家族創辦联泰控股有限公司(股份代号:311),在2004至2017期間擔任行政总裁兼执行董事,致力推動聯泰控股成為全球領先的時尚服裝及包袋服飾製造商。


陈亨利热心社会公益,现为第十四届港区全国政协委员、香港纺织业联会会长,并是香港选举委员会成员、香港理工大学大学顾问委员会成员、香港理工大学专业及持续教育学院顾问委员会主席及校董会成员、香港浸会大学咨议会荣誉委员、中国和平统一促进会香港总会执行会长,及香港保良局前主席。陈博士是第十三届港区全国人大代表、北京大学名誉校董及华侨大学董事会董事。陈亨利获香港特区政府分别于2005年颁授铜紫荆星章、2008年委任为太平绅士; 2018年获香港理工大学颁授大学院士荣衔; 并于2013年获关岛大学颁授荣誉人文学博士。



  • 第十四届港区全国政协委员
  • 第十三届港区全国人大代表
  • 香港纺织业联会会长
  • 中国和平统一促进会香港总会执行会长
  • 香港福建社团联会永远名誉主席
  • 香港福建商会副会长
  • 香港远洋渔业协会会长
  • 北京大学名誉校董
  • 华侨大学董事会董事
  • 香港理工大学大学院士、顾问委员会成员
  • 香港理工大学专业及持续教育学院校董会成员、顾问委员会主席
  • 香港浸会大学谘议会荣誉委员
  • 香港纺织商会永远荣誉会长
  • 香港保良局主席(2004/2005)、保良局历届主席会主席(2017/2018)
  • 两岸和平发展联合总会常务副会长
  • 陈守仁基金会副主席

陈亨利博士, BBS, JP, LHD


陈亨利于在中国内地、香港、东南亚及西太平洋地区积逾四十年营商经验,深悉当地市场和经营环境,并建立了广阔的合作关系。陈亨利于70年代开始参与家族在关岛的航运贸易业务,并扩展业务至不同行业,包括旅游、零售、渔业、空运、国际船运、地勤与机场服务、石油、保险、医疗、物流、地产等。今天联泰已成为综合性国际集团。联泰零售把斯凯奇打造为中国三大国际运动品牌之一,并在亚洲管理一系列世界知名品牌。在陈亨利领导下,海天地悅旅集團有限公司(股份代号:1832)成为塞班及关岛领先优闲旅游集团,并于2019年在香港联交所上市。 陈亨利参与服饰制造业超过三十年,與家族創辦联泰控股有限公司(股份代号:311),在2004至2017期間擔任行政总裁兼执行董事,致力推動聯泰控股成為全球領先的時尚服裝及包袋服飾製造商。


陈亨利热心社会公益,现为第十四届港区全国政协委员、香港纺织业联会会长,并是香港选举委员会成员、香港理工大学大学顾问委员会成员、香港理工大学专业及持续教育学院顾问委员会主席及校董会成员、香港浸会大学咨议会荣誉委员、中国和平统一促进会香港总会执行会长,及香港保良局前主席。陈博士是第十三届港区全国人大代表、北京大学名誉校董及华侨大学董事会董事。陈亨利获香港特区政府分别于2005年颁授铜紫荆星章、2008年委任为太平绅士; 2018年获香港理工大学颁授大学院士荣衔; 并于2013年获关岛大学颁授荣誉人文学博士。



  • 第十四届港区全国政协委员
  • 第十三届港区全国人大代表
  • 香港纺织业联会会长
  • 中国和平统一促进会香港总会执行会长
  • 香港福建社团联会永远名誉主席
  • 香港福建商会副会长
  • 香港远洋渔业协会会长
  • 北京大学名誉校董
  • 华侨大学董事会董事
  • 香港理工大学大学院士、顾问委员会成员
  • 香港理工大学专业及持续教育学院校董会成员、顾问委员会主席
  • 香港浸会大学谘议会荣誉委员
  • 香港纺织商会永远荣誉会长
  • 香港保良局主席(2004/2005)、保良局历届主席会主席(2017/2018)
  • 两岸和平发展联合总会常务副会长
  • 陈守仁基金会副主席

Mojalefa Mogono

Mojalefa Mogono


Mojalefa Mogono











Roxana Barbieru 博士

Roxana Barbieru 博士

TreeToTextile AB 行政总裁

Dr. Roxana Barbieru has 20+ years of experience in global management in both commercial and technical
functions in various industries, including renewable biomaterials, textiles, and specialty chemicals.
She has been fortunate to work with diverse teams and businesses, honing her ability to drive business
growth through disruptive innovations and sustainability.

She is a truly global executive, having lived and worked in Europe, Singapore, as well as pursuing studies in
the US.

As of 1st June 2023, Roxana is the CEO of TreeToTextile AB, a sustainable cellulosic fibers company for
textile and nonwoven markets, aiming at making a climate impact at scale. TreeToTextile AB is owned by
IKEA, H&M, Stora Enso and LSCS Invest.

Prior to her CEO role, Roxana has been with Stora Enso and DyStar Group in different leadership roles with
a focus on commercialization of new biomaterials and sustainable products, as well as scaling up new
ventures. Roxana has also served as board member and chairperson of TreeToTextile AB.

Roxana holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany and an MBA from
University of California Los Angeles, Anderson School of Management, USA, and National University of
Singapore, Business School.

Roxana Barbieru 博士

TreeToTextile AB 行政总裁

Dr. Roxana Barbieru has 20+ years of experience in global management in both commercial and technical
functions in various industries, including renewable biomaterials, textiles, and specialty chemicals.
She has been fortunate to work with diverse teams and businesses, honing her ability to drive business
growth through disruptive innovations and sustainability.

She is a truly global executive, having lived and worked in Europe, Singapore, as well as pursuing studies in
the US.

As of 1st June 2023, Roxana is the CEO of TreeToTextile AB, a sustainable cellulosic fibers company for
textile and nonwoven markets, aiming at making a climate impact at scale. TreeToTextile AB is owned by
IKEA, H&M, Stora Enso and LSCS Invest.

Prior to her CEO role, Roxana has been with Stora Enso and DyStar Group in different leadership roles with
a focus on commercialization of new biomaterials and sustainable products, as well as scaling up new
ventures. Roxana has also served as board member and chairperson of TreeToTextile AB.

Roxana holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany and an MBA from
University of California Los Angeles, Anderson School of Management, USA, and National University of
Singapore, Business School.





自2017年8月起,她担任WWF主管 – 企业可持续发展。除了继续发展低碳制造计划(LCMP)和低碳办公室计划(LOOP),她的职责还包括促进企业和小区的协作计划 ,达到可持续发展的目标。

她在国际化商业管理及市场营销方面拥有丰富经验。加入WWF之前,何美娟曾出任多间美国财富500强企业的亚太地区业务发展及市场营销总监。她拥有英国萨里大学 (University of Surrey) 工商管理硕士学位,并获英国特许市场学公会 (Chartered Institute of Marketing) 颁授自2001年起生效的专业营销师资格。




自2017年8月起,她担任WWF主管 – 企业可持续发展。除了继续发展低碳制造计划(LCMP)和低碳办公室计划(LOOP),她的职责还包括促进企业和小区的协作计划 ,达到可持续发展的目标。

她在国际化商业管理及市场营销方面拥有丰富经验。加入WWF之前,何美娟曾出任多间美国财富500强企业的亚太地区业务发展及市场营销总监。她拥有英国萨里大学 (University of Surrey) 工商管理硕士学位,并获英国特许市场学公会 (Chartered Institute of Marketing) 颁授自2001年起生效的专业营销师资格。

Emma Bunting

Emma Bunting

The Woolmark Company 环球可持续发展经理

Emma led the development and coordinates the implementation of The Woolmark Company’s sustainability framework, covering sustainable livelihoods, climate action, fibre innovations and animal wellbeing. Emma works on a diverse range of partnerships and initiatives for The Woolmark Company, with a focus on sustainability and fibre advocacy in areas of business development, communications and traceability, showcasing Merino wool’s potential as a science-backed and nature positive solution in the fashion and performance markets.

Emma joined The Woolmark Company in 2016 and has worked in both the Australian head office and London global office.

Emma Bunting

The Woolmark Company 环球可持续发展经理

Emma led the development and coordinates the implementation of The Woolmark Company’s sustainability framework, covering sustainable livelihoods, climate action, fibre innovations and animal wellbeing. Emma works on a diverse range of partnerships and initiatives for The Woolmark Company, with a focus on sustainability and fibre advocacy in areas of business development, communications and traceability, showcasing Merino wool’s potential as a science-backed and nature positive solution in the fashion and performance markets.

Emma joined The Woolmark Company in 2016 and has worked in both the Australian head office and London global office.




自1980年以来, 白丹尼先生一直是本会活跃成员,他曾担任本会财务委员会主席和荣誉法律顾问。他热衷于观鸟,多年来一直参与本会举办的「香港观鸟大赛」。



白先生1971年于威灵顿维多利亚大学法学硕士毕业,曾任职纽西兰Bell Gully律师事务所,直至1974年加入伦敦Sinclair Roche & Temperley 律师行。 1978至2019年间于孖士打律师行(现为Mayer Brown)工作,1983至2003年期间为该律师行合伙人,2003年起至2019年为资深顾问律师。他亦曾于Euronav NG, 太平洋航运有限公司、铁江现货有限公司及GasLog Partners LP担任独立非执行董事。他现时担任 Avignonesi SRL之董事。



自1980年以来, 白丹尼先生一直是本会活跃成员,他曾担任本会财务委员会主席和荣誉法律顾问。他热衷于观鸟,多年来一直参与本会举办的「香港观鸟大赛」。



白先生1971年于威灵顿维多利亚大学法学硕士毕业,曾任职纽西兰Bell Gully律师事务所,直至1974年加入伦敦Sinclair Roche & Temperley 律师行。 1978至2019年间于孖士打律师行(现为Mayer Brown)工作,1983至2003年期间为该律师行合伙人,2003年起至2019年为资深顾问律师。他亦曾于Euronav NG, 太平洋航运有限公司、铁江现货有限公司及GasLog Partners LP担任独立非执行董事。他现时担任 Avignonesi SRL之董事。




Serena is currently working as Executive Director in the Sustainable Finance team within the Institutional Banking Group of DBS Hong Kong.
Prior to DBS, Serena was the Head of ESG Funding Asia for Home Credit, an international consumer finance provider that focuses on responsible lending to people with little or no credit history.
Serena also has over 15 years of experience with Goldman Sachs treasury and market operations in Singapore and Hong Kong, with focus on liquidity management and payment transaction surveillance across the APAC region.
Ms. Mak is also serving as Board Governor & Honorary Secretary at Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) with a focus on Green and Sustainable Finance development in Asia.
Ms. Serena Mak holds both MSc Investment Management and BBA (Hons) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.



Serena is currently working as Executive Director in the Sustainable Finance team within the Institutional Banking Group of DBS Hong Kong.
Prior to DBS, Serena was the Head of ESG Funding Asia for Home Credit, an international consumer finance provider that focuses on responsible lending to people with little or no credit history.
Serena also has over 15 years of experience with Goldman Sachs treasury and market operations in Singapore and Hong Kong, with focus on liquidity management and payment transaction surveillance across the APAC region.
Ms. Mak is also serving as Board Governor & Honorary Secretary at Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) with a focus on Green and Sustainable Finance development in Asia.
Ms. Serena Mak holds both MSc Investment Management and BBA (Hons) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.




Will Lam, a renowned entrepreneur and CEO of High Fashion Group, has made significant strides in the fashion industry, most notably in pioneering sustainable innovation. Celebrated with Forbes China’s Outstanding Leader Award and the 2022 Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong, his leadership has transformed High Fashion Group into a leader in digital and sustainable fashion.


Under his direction, the group has championed eco-friendly practices, leading to the creation of materials such as ‘Washable Silk,’ a sustainable organic alternative to conventional fabrics. The Natural Dye Project, another green initiative, addresses the longstanding limitations of color variety and dye wastewater pollution in textiles, earning the group the Green & Low-Carbon Factory Recognition from the provincial government.


Will extends his commitment beyond his company. He established WL District, a cross-functional ecosystem that fosters collaboration and supports emerging technologies in the fashion industry, including Internet, big data, and shared economy concepts. Through this initiative, Will continues to shape the fashion industry and promote sustainable innovation.



Will Lam, a renowned entrepreneur and CEO of High Fashion Group, has made significant strides in the fashion industry, most notably in pioneering sustainable innovation. Celebrated with Forbes China’s Outstanding Leader Award and the 2022 Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong, his leadership has transformed High Fashion Group into a leader in digital and sustainable fashion.


Under his direction, the group has championed eco-friendly practices, leading to the creation of materials such as ‘Washable Silk,’ a sustainable organic alternative to conventional fabrics. The Natural Dye Project, another green initiative, addresses the longstanding limitations of color variety and dye wastewater pollution in textiles, earning the group the Green & Low-Carbon Factory Recognition from the provincial government.


Will extends his commitment beyond his company. He established WL District, a cross-functional ecosystem that fosters collaboration and supports emerging technologies in the fashion industry, including Internet, big data, and shared economy concepts. Through this initiative, Will continues to shape the fashion industry and promote sustainable innovation.

Dennis Lustico

Dennis Lustico


Dennis knows elegance and restraint. He began in the fashion industry designing for a renowned menswear label where he honed his tailoring skills. In the early 2000’s, Lustico made his solo fashion breakthrough where his feminine dresses became the rave among Manila’s stylish set.

Known for his intelligent use of colour, this designer’s collections have been showcased in Paris Fashion Week since 2016.


Dennis Lustico


Dennis knows elegance and restraint. He began in the fashion industry designing for a renowned menswear label where he honed his tailoring skills. In the early 2000’s, Lustico made his solo fashion breakthrough where his feminine dresses became the rave among Manila’s stylish set.

Known for his intelligent use of colour, this designer’s collections have been showcased in Paris Fashion Week since 2016.





蔡逸伦拥有超过20年的综合管理和投资经验,为声白集团于2023年成立旗下企业创投部门匡博创投(qonvolv Ventures)的总裁。匡博创投旨在成为时尚行业及其他领域创新增长的行业知识和技术枢纽,既进行创新解决方案的孵化,也投资于相关新兴业务,创投领域包括卓越制造、数字价值链、气候应对和未来劳动力。



蔡逸伦拥有超过20年的综合管理和投资经验,为声白集团于2023年成立旗下企业创投部门匡博创投(qonvolv Ventures)的总裁。匡博创投旨在成为时尚行业及其他领域创新增长的行业知识和技术枢纽,既进行创新解决方案的孵化,也投资于相关新兴业务,创投领域包括卓越制造、数字价值链、气候应对和未来劳动力。




Teresa Yang has been Vice Chairman of Esquel Group since 2005. Esquel is a leading global knowledge-based innovation company driven by its vision of Making a Difference, which focuses on two primary goals: tackling climate change and narrowing the wealth gap.

Teresa is responsible for Esquel Group’s strategic planning and serves as Chairman of the Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA). She actively participates in the development of Hong Kong’s textile and clothing industry in her current capacities at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Industrial Advisory Committee of the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable System (RI-Wear), as well as its Advisory Committee of School Fashion and Textiles. She is also a member of the Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA).
Among the non-profit making organizations services she is involved with are the Y.L. Foundation and the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) Hong Kong Chapter. She was selected as the North Asia regional honoree for the 2020 YPO Global Impact Award.
Teresa holds an MBA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Hawaii.



Teresa Yang has been Vice Chairman of Esquel Group since 2005. Esquel is a leading global knowledge-based innovation company driven by its vision of Making a Difference, which focuses on two primary goals: tackling climate change and narrowing the wealth gap.

Teresa is responsible for Esquel Group’s strategic planning and serves as Chairman of the Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA). She actively participates in the development of Hong Kong’s textile and clothing industry in her current capacities at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Industrial Advisory Committee of the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable System (RI-Wear), as well as its Advisory Committee of School Fashion and Textiles. She is also a member of the Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA).
Among the non-profit making organizations services she is involved with are the Y.L. Foundation and the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) Hong Kong Chapter. She was selected as the North Asia regional honoree for the 2020 YPO Global Impact Award.
Teresa holds an MBA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Hawaii.



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时尚高峰(香港) 2023





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时尚高峰(香港) 2022

「时装世界 X 环保包装」研讨会


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时尚高峰(香港) 2022





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