

时尚高峰(香港) 2022



seminars_top_01 Mission A

地点 : 南丰纱厂


游纱厂探索可持续时尚 (已满额)

日期2022年12月2日 (星期五)
时间 下午3时至5时30分
集合地点集合时间 下午3:00
对象 12至25岁之本地中学生及大专生 (以活动日期计算)
费用费用全免 (包括保险)
  1. 未满18岁之参加者须递交已由家长或监 护人签署的 家长/监 护人同意书
  2. 参加者须于活动当天出示有效和显示为「蓝码」的「疫苗通行证」 (点撃这里了解符合疫苗通行证要求的条件和在这里阅览「蓝/黄/红码」定义)
  3. 出席者须遵守新冠肺炎(COVID-19)防疫措施
查询 苏小姐︱ (852) 2263 6312︱info@fashionsummit.hk

活 动 行 程

15:00南丰店堂地下(G/F) 集合
15:15 – 16:15导赏活动︰体验G2G旧衣新裳循环系统
  • 参观及体验G2G系统将回收旧衣服再造成新衣服
16:30 – 17:30可持续共学之旅
  • 游CHAT六厂 (六厂纺织文化艺术馆)了解香港纺织业i发展与环保的关系
17:30CHAT六厂 (南丰纱厂2楼) 解散
  1. 须受活动条款及守则约束。
  2. 合办机构有权更改活动的节目、内容、讲者、时间及举办形式,而不作另行通知。
seminars_top_02 Mission B




日期2022年8月6日 (星期六)
时间 上午9时30分至下午12时30分
集合时间 集合时间︰ 9:15 a.m.
对象 12至25岁之中学生或大专生 (以活动日期计算)
费用费用全免 (包括旅游巴接载及保险)
注意事项⦁ 出席者须遵守集合地点及活动场地的新冠肺炎(COVID-19)防疫措施
⦁ 参加者须提供个人资料以作购买保险之用。
⦁ 未满18岁之学生须递交由家长或监护人所签署的家长同意书
报名 请于 8月1日前 报名
名额有限 先到先得
查询 温小姐︱ (852) 2263 6384︱info@fashionsummit.hk


10:00 – 11:00编织机器陈列室参观
11:00 – 12:00数码编织操作示范


seminars_top_03 Mission C

地点︰ 制衣业训练局



3D虚拟时装之旅 (已满额)

日期2022年12月30日 (星期五)
时间 下午2时至5时
地点制衣业训练局(CITA )数码服装实验室
对象 12至25岁之本地中学生及大专生 (以活动日期为准)
  1. 未满18岁的参加者须递交已由家长或监护人签署的 家长/监护人同意书
  2. 出席者须遵守新冠肺炎(COVID-19)防疫措施
查询 苏小姐︱ (852) 2263 6312︱info@fashionsummit.hk

学 习 内 容

简介 3D CAD 时装设计软件及如何应用于时装业
体验 3D CAD 时装设计平台 – CLO
制作 3D 虚拟服装流程
3D 设计元素
认知 CLO 图库
14:00 – 14:30简介3D时装设计软件
  • 3D设计软件背景及特点
  • 平面及立体时装设计比较
  • 3D软件在时装业的应用
14:30 – 15:30体验CLO虚拟时装设计
  • 简介CLO (3D时装设计软件)及其基本功能
  • 学习操作CLO的基本技巧
15:30 – 15:45小休
15:45 – 16:45自家创作虚拟时装
  • 按导师指示在CLO平台设计虚拟时装
16:45 – 17:00虚拟时装秀展示


  1. 须受活动条款及守则约束。
  2. 合办机构有权更改活动的节目、内容、讲者、时间及举办形式,而不作另行通知。




Prof. George G. Q. Huang is Chair Professor and Head of Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. He gained his BEng and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Southeast University (China) and Cardiff University (UK) respectively. He has conducted research projects in areas of Smart Manufacturing, Logistics, Construction and Systems Analytics through Cyber-Physical Internet with substantial government and industrial grants exceeding HK$60M. One of his on-going R&D projects is to use blockchain and IoT technology to facilitate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting for listed companies. He collaborated extensively with industries through joint projects and start-up companies. He has published extensively including over three hundred refereed articles in journals and conferences in addition to ten monographs, edited reference books and conference proceedings. He is among “Top 1% Most Cited Scholar” and highly ranked internationally in his research areas. He serves as associate editors and editorial members for several international journals. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), fellow of ASME, HKIE, IET and CILT, and member of IIE and HKLA.



Prof. George G. Q. Huang is Chair Professor and Head of Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. He gained his BEng and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Southeast University (China) and Cardiff University (UK) respectively. He has conducted research projects in areas of Smart Manufacturing, Logistics, Construction and Systems Analytics through Cyber-Physical Internet with substantial government and industrial grants exceeding HK$60M. One of his on-going R&D projects is to use blockchain and IoT technology to facilitate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting for listed companies. He collaborated extensively with industries through joint projects and start-up companies. He has published extensively including over three hundred refereed articles in journals and conferences in addition to ten monographs, edited reference books and conference proceedings. He is among “Top 1% Most Cited Scholar” and highly ranked internationally in his research areas. He serves as associate editors and editorial members for several international journals. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), fellow of ASME, HKIE, IET and CILT, and member of IIE and HKLA.



时尚高峰(香港) 2021 主席

Member of HKSAR Legislative Council (Textiles and Garment)

Felix K P Chung is at present the Member of the sixth Legislative Council of HKSAR, 2016-2021 (Textiles and Garment Sector) and Life Hon. Chairman of Hong Kong Apparel Society. He is also the Party leader of Liberal Party.

He graduated from BSC in Quantity Surveying in 1986 in the Robert Gorden University Aberdeen, UK and followed with his MBA degree in Stirling University, Stirling, UK in 1987. He joined his family business in a knitwear factory in late 1988.

Felix Chung also has a good linkage with the Textiles & Garment trade and education organizations. In year 2001, with the support from many garment manufacturers, a non-profit making association was formed in the name of the Hong Kong Apparel Society Ltd (HKAS), Felix Chung was the founder of HKAS and nominated to be Chairman until 2012. The aim of HKAS is to link up the Hong Kong SMEs in Textile and Garment industry, to power up the strength, trust and relationship of the industry in order to gain the awareness and reflect the needs to the HKSAR.

In 2013, he initiated the Fashion Industry Development Council (FIDC) aims to gather elites of different specialties to share, plan and promote the development of the fashion industry in Hong Kong.


时尚高峰(香港) 2021 主席

Member of HKSAR Legislative Council (Textiles and Garment)

Felix K P Chung is at present the Member of the sixth Legislative Council of HKSAR, 2016-2021 (Textiles and Garment Sector) and Life Hon. Chairman of Hong Kong Apparel Society. He is also the Party leader of Liberal Party.

He graduated from BSC in Quantity Surveying in 1986 in the Robert Gorden University Aberdeen, UK and followed with his MBA degree in Stirling University, Stirling, UK in 1987. He joined his family business in a knitwear factory in late 1988.

Felix Chung also has a good linkage with the Textiles & Garment trade and education organizations. In year 2001, with the support from many garment manufacturers, a non-profit making association was formed in the name of the Hong Kong Apparel Society Ltd (HKAS), Felix Chung was the founder of HKAS and nominated to be Chairman until 2012. The aim of HKAS is to link up the Hong Kong SMEs in Textile and Garment industry, to power up the strength, trust and relationship of the industry in order to gain the awareness and reflect the needs to the HKSAR.

In 2013, he initiated the Fashion Industry Development Council (FIDC) aims to gather elites of different specialties to share, plan and promote the development of the fashion industry in Hong Kong.

Tanja Wessels

Tanja Wessels

Revive Consultin

Writer, speaker and sustainable fashion advocate Tanja Wessels is the Co-founder and Head of Communications at Revive Consulting. Curating sustainable solutions for businesses through strategy, communication and education, Revive works across multiple industries. Tanja Wessels is a Tedx speaker, a 2019 Green is the New Black Green Warrior and has appeared in, and written for, a number of publications including SCMP, Ariana, Macao News and Echelon.

Tanja Wessels

Revive Consultin

Writer, speaker and sustainable fashion advocate Tanja Wessels is the Co-founder and Head of Communications at Revive Consulting. Curating sustainable solutions for businesses through strategy, communication and education, Revive works across multiple industries. Tanja Wessels is a Tedx speaker, a 2019 Green is the New Black Green Warrior and has appeared in, and written for, a number of publications including SCMP, Ariana, Macao News and Echelon.




Joining Create Hong Kong in April 2019, Ms Jersey YUEN is responsible for formulating strategies and implementing initiatives for the development of Hong Kong’s creative industries and for collaborating with these industries and other organisations to provide one-stop services for their promotion. Ms YUEN graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences majoring in Economics and Management Studies. She has joined the Hong Kong Civil Service for over 30 years and served in numerous policy bureaux and departments. Ms YUEN has rich administrative experience and possesses proven leadership and management skills, particularly in human resources management, leading teams, planning and development.



Joining Create Hong Kong in April 2019, Ms Jersey YUEN is responsible for formulating strategies and implementing initiatives for the development of Hong Kong’s creative industries and for collaborating with these industries and other organisations to provide one-stop services for their promotion. Ms YUEN graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences majoring in Economics and Management Studies. She has joined the Hong Kong Civil Service for over 30 years and served in numerous policy bureaux and departments. Ms YUEN has rich administrative experience and possesses proven leadership and management skills, particularly in human resources management, leading teams, planning and development.



Professor of Practice HiESD (HK)

Adjunct Professor NJJIT (China)

Senior Engineer (Textiles), FCTES; MHKITA

Fellows FBVCBS

Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP)

International Society of Sustainability Professionals. USA.

Chartered Institute for Textiles, Clothing & Footwear, UK

University of Cambridge, CISL


  • Prof. WONG has over 30 years’ experience in the luxury fashion field.  And over 20 years in the building industry with high end interior decoration. Recently he focuses on Sustainable Development of Animal-Based Industries, including the meat, animal fibres, fashion and pet industries.


  • Chairman of Sustainable Development Committee of Chinese Manufacturers Asso.
  • Founding President of Institute of International Sustainable Development
  • Associate Dean, Publicity of SDG Industry-education-research, HiESD
  • Founding Chairman of “Belt & Road Youth Foundation” (HK Charity # 91/15440)
  • Senior Expert Advisor of GBA Carbon Neutrality Asso.
  • Advisor of Asso. of Family Offices in Asia- MAG
  • Director of HK Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)
  • Director of HK Brand Development Council
  • External Advisor of HK Poly Univ CPCE CPD Steering Committee
  • Advisor of The Education Univ. Of HK Edu-plus Internship program
  • School Manager of CCK Secondary School
  • Chairman of Audit Committee and Director of a 60 years-old International Trade Federation


  • Former Advisor to the HKSAR Agriculture and Fisheries & Conservation Department’s Endangered Plants & Animals Species Advisory Committee
  • Former Director at ESF Foundation Board
  • Former School Manager at Island School


  • Arte Moda International Enterprise – Chairman
  • Nanjing China Railway Best Joint Comm. Co Ltd. – CEO


Contact: thomas_c_c_wong@hotmail.com



Professor of Practice HiESD (HK)

Adjunct Professor NJJIT (China)

Senior Engineer (Textiles), FCTES; MHKITA

Fellows FBVCBS

Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP)

International Society of Sustainability Professionals. USA.

Chartered Institute for Textiles, Clothing & Footwear, UK

University of Cambridge, CISL


  • Prof. WONG has over 30 years’ experience in the luxury fashion field.  And over 20 years in the building industry with high end interior decoration. Recently he focuses on Sustainable Development of Animal-Based Industries, including the meat, animal fibres, fashion and pet industries.


  • Chairman of Sustainable Development Committee of Chinese Manufacturers Asso.
  • Founding President of Institute of International Sustainable Development
  • Associate Dean, Publicity of SDG Industry-education-research, HiESD
  • Founding Chairman of “Belt & Road Youth Foundation” (HK Charity # 91/15440)
  • Senior Expert Advisor of GBA Carbon Neutrality Asso.
  • Advisor of Asso. of Family Offices in Asia- MAG
  • Director of HK Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)
  • Director of HK Brand Development Council
  • External Advisor of HK Poly Univ CPCE CPD Steering Committee
  • Advisor of The Education Univ. Of HK Edu-plus Internship program
  • School Manager of CCK Secondary School
  • Chairman of Audit Committee and Director of a 60 years-old International Trade Federation


  • Former Advisor to the HKSAR Agriculture and Fisheries & Conservation Department’s Endangered Plants & Animals Species Advisory Committee
  • Former Director at ESF Foundation Board
  • Former School Manager at Island School


  • Arte Moda International Enterprise – Chairman
  • Nanjing China Railway Best Joint Comm. Co Ltd. – CEO


Contact: thomas_c_c_wong@hotmail.com




自2017年8月起,她担任WWF主管 – 企业可持续发展。除了继续发展低碳制造计划(LCMP)和低碳办公室计划(LOOP),她的职责还包括促进企业和小区的协作计划 ,达到可持续发展的目标。

她在国际化商业管理及市场营销方面拥有丰富经验。加入WWF之前,何美娟曾出任多间美国财富500强企业的亚太地区业务发展及市场营销总监。她拥有英国萨里大学 (University of Surrey) 工商管理硕士学位,并获英国特许市场学公会 (Chartered Institute of Marketing) 颁授自2001年起生效的专业营销师资格。




自2017年8月起,她担任WWF主管 – 企业可持续发展。除了继续发展低碳制造计划(LCMP)和低碳办公室计划(LOOP),她的职责还包括促进企业和小区的协作计划 ,达到可持续发展的目标。

她在国际化商业管理及市场营销方面拥有丰富经验。加入WWF之前,何美娟曾出任多间美国财富500强企业的亚太地区业务发展及市场营销总监。她拥有英国萨里大学 (University of Surrey) 工商管理硕士学位,并获英国特许市场学公会 (Chartered Institute of Marketing) 颁授自2001年起生效的专业营销师资格。




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时尚高峰(香港) 2022





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时尚高峰(香港) 2022





以上代表 阁下目前就是否希望收到时尚高峰(香港)或制衣业训练局推广信息的选择,并取代 阁下于本申请前向时尚高峰(香港)或制衣业训练局传达的任何选择。您可随时电邮至 unsubscribe@cita.org.hk 取消这项接受宣传数据服务的安排。


时尚高峰(香港) 2023





以上代表 阁下目前就是否希望收到时尚高峰(香港)、制衣业训练局及WWF香港分会推广信息的选择,并取代 阁下于本申请前向时尚高峰(香港)、制衣业训练局及WWF香港分会传达的任何选择。您可随时电邮至 unsubscribe@cita.org.hksupporter@wwf.org.hk取消这项接受宣传资料服务的安排。


时尚高峰(香港) 2022

「时装世界 X 环保包装」研讨会


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The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by Fashion Summit (HK), Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) for the purpose of administration, evaluation, statistical analysis and management your registration.

The above represents your present choice whether or not to receive promotional materials of Fashion Summit (HK) or CITA or HKTDC. This replaces any choice communicated by you to Fashion Summit (HK) or CITA or HKTDC prior to this application. You may, at any time, choose not to receive marketing literature by emailing us to unsubscribe@cita.org.hk