

時尚高峰(香港) 2022


日期2022年8月24日 (星期三)
時間 上午10時至下午4時
地點 南豐作坊

註︰入場人士須遵守活動場地的 新冠肺炎(COVID-19)防疫措施
費用 費用全免
報名 網上登記已於8月23日截止
名額有限 先到先得
查詢 蘇小姐︱ (852) 2263 6312︱info@fashionsummit.hk
意見收集 意見收集已於9月7日完結

節 目 表

10:00 – 10:05 歡迎致辭
  • 製衣業訓練局主席鄭文德先生
10:05 – 10:25 Global Packaging Impacts
  • WWF香港分會企業可持續發展主管何美娟女士
10:25 – 10:45 Rethink Packaging Report by The Mills Fabrica
  • 南豐作坊研究分析及投資組曾令航先生
11:00 – 12:00 專題討論 I︰Packaging Challenges
  • 恒寶企業控股有限公司主席鄭立言博士
  • G-LOCS 亞洲營銷總監 Ken Lam
  • 南豐作坊研究分析及投資組曾令航先生

14:00 – 14:15 歡迎致辭
  • 香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」助理總監袁賽芳女士
14:15 – 14:30 Sharing of Packaging Policy & Regulations
  • 畢馬威中國合夥人及ESG香港主管兼KPMG IMPACT可持續金融事務全球聯席主席吳柏年先生
14:30 – 14:45 Future Trends on Packaging Innovations in the Food & Beverages Industry by WGSN
14:45 – 15:00 Sustainable Packaging: How to Go Greener?
  • ADDLESS Design Studio 創辦人 Cyril Drouet
15:00 – 16:00 專題討論 II︰Partnerships for the Goals – Government, Trade & Society
  • 智利駐香港及澳門總領事 Osvaldo Patricio Álvarez Peréz
  • 澳洲外交和貿易部領事(經濟) Patrick Orchard
  • 香港特別行政區立法會陳祖恒議員(紡織及製衣界)


演 講 嘉 賓



香港特別行政區立法會議員 (紡織及製衣界)

As a seasoned industrialist, Hon Sunny Tan is currently a Member of the Legislative Council representing the Textiles and Garment functional constituency and Senior Advisor to Luen Thai Holdings Limited, a leading fashion and lifestyle apparel and accessories manufacturer, for which he has served for more than two decades.  He is also the Chairman of Hong Kong Productivity Council, Executive Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and Executive Vice President of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Textiles.  In 2013, he received the “Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong”.


Hon Sunny Tan has a strong record of public and community service.  He is a Member of the Committee on Innovation, Technology and Re-industrialisation, Member of Trade and Industry Advisory Board, Council Member of Vocational Training Council, Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Shippers’ Council, and Board of Director of the Hong Kong Design Centre.  He is also a Member of the Hebei Province Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.


Hon Sunny Tan obtained a Master of Science degree from Stanford University and Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


香港特別行政區立法會議員 (紡織及製衣界)

As a seasoned industrialist, Hon Sunny Tan is currently a Member of the Legislative Council representing the Textiles and Garment functional constituency and Senior Advisor to Luen Thai Holdings Limited, a leading fashion and lifestyle apparel and accessories manufacturer, for which he has served for more than two decades.  He is also the Chairman of Hong Kong Productivity Council, Executive Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and Executive Vice President of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Textiles.  In 2013, he received the “Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong”.


Hon Sunny Tan has a strong record of public and community service.  He is a Member of the Committee on Innovation, Technology and Re-industrialisation, Member of Trade and Industry Advisory Board, Council Member of Vocational Training Council, Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Shippers’ Council, and Board of Director of the Hong Kong Design Centre.  He is also a Member of the Hebei Province Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.


Hon Sunny Tan obtained a Master of Science degree from Stanford University and Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Cyril Drouet

Cyril Drouet

ADDLESS Design Studio 創辦人

Cyril Drouet is Founder at ADDLESS Design Studio, Co-Founder at ADDLESS solutions, Co-Founder at Choose Planet A, Creator of THE GOOD CUP patent and a multi award-winning creative director with over 20 years international experience of design and innovation, working with global Brand Owners from multiple segments. Cyril’s life mission is to create new codes, develop new materials/processes and implement the latest technology with brands and manufacturers in order to lead the next sustainable packaging revolution. The vision and goal are for all packaging to be designed within circular economy principles and sustainable sources, to provide crucial alternatives to plastic packaging on a global, profitable scale.

Cyril Drouet

ADDLESS Design Studio 創辦人

Cyril Drouet is Founder at ADDLESS Design Studio, Co-Founder at ADDLESS solutions, Co-Founder at Choose Planet A, Creator of THE GOOD CUP patent and a multi award-winning creative director with over 20 years international experience of design and innovation, working with global Brand Owners from multiple segments. Cyril’s life mission is to create new codes, develop new materials/processes and implement the latest technology with brands and manufacturers in order to lead the next sustainable packaging revolution. The vision and goal are for all packaging to be designed within circular economy principles and sustainable sources, to provide crucial alternatives to plastic packaging on a global, profitable scale.













Joining Create Hong Kong in April 2019, Ms Jersey YUEN is responsible for formulating strategies and implementing initiatives for the development of Hong Kong’s creative industries and for collaborating with these industries and other organisations to provide one-stop services for their promotion. Ms YUEN graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences majoring in Economics and Management Studies. She has joined the Hong Kong Civil Service for over 30 years and served in numerous policy bureaux and departments. Ms YUEN has rich administrative experience and possesses proven leadership and management skills, particularly in human resources management, leading teams, planning and development.



Joining Create Hong Kong in April 2019, Ms Jersey YUEN is responsible for formulating strategies and implementing initiatives for the development of Hong Kong’s creative industries and for collaborating with these industries and other organisations to provide one-stop services for their promotion. Ms YUEN graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences majoring in Economics and Management Studies. She has joined the Hong Kong Civil Service for over 30 years and served in numerous policy bureaux and departments. Ms YUEN has rich administrative experience and possesses proven leadership and management skills, particularly in human resources management, leading teams, planning and development.

Patrick Orchard

Patrick Orchard


Mr Orchard is a Consul (Economic) at the Australian Consulate-General in Hong Kong. Most recently he worked in the Trade and Investment Division in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade based in Canberra. Prior to joining Australia’s foreign service he worked for the UN Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan and in the NGO sector in Rwanda and Sri Lanka.


Mr Orchard holds a Master of International Trade and Diplomacy from Monash University; a Bachelor of International Relations (Honours) from the Australian National University; and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Patrick Orchard


Mr Orchard is a Consul (Economic) at the Australian Consulate-General in Hong Kong. Most recently he worked in the Trade and Investment Division in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade based in Canberra. Prior to joining Australia’s foreign service he worked for the UN Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan and in the NGO sector in Rwanda and Sri Lanka.


Mr Orchard holds a Master of International Trade and Diplomacy from Monash University; a Bachelor of International Relations (Honours) from the Australian National University; and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.





自2017年8月起,她擔任WWF主管 – 企業可持續發展。除了繼續發展低碳製造計劃(LCMP)和低碳辦公室計劃(LOOP),她的職責還包括促進企業和社區的協作計劃 ,達到可持續發展的目標。

她在國際化商業管理及市場營銷方面擁有豐富經驗。加入WWF之前,何美娟曾出任多間美國財富500強企業的亞太地區業務發展及市場營銷總監。她擁有英國薩里大學 (University of Surrey) 工商管理碩士學位,並獲英國特許市場學公會 (Chartered Institute of Marketing) 頒授自2001年起生效的專業行銷師資格。




自2017年8月起,她擔任WWF主管 – 企業可持續發展。除了繼續發展低碳製造計劃(LCMP)和低碳辦公室計劃(LOOP),她的職責還包括促進企業和社區的協作計劃 ,達到可持續發展的目標。

她在國際化商業管理及市場營銷方面擁有豐富經驗。加入WWF之前,何美娟曾出任多間美國財富500強企業的亞太地區業務發展及市場營銷總監。她擁有英國薩里大學 (University of Surrey) 工商管理碩士學位,並獲英國特許市場學公會 (Chartered Institute of Marketing) 頒授自2001年起生效的專業行銷師資格。




曾令航為南豐作坊作研究分析,致力推動社群對techstyle創新的理解及認識。他熱衷在時事裡發掘新見解,並曾參與不同行業的消費者研究項目。在加入南豐作坊之前,曾令航在Coresight Research諮詢公司從事電商及新零售相關的行業分析。他擁有香港城市大學文學士學位。



曾令航為南豐作坊作研究分析,致力推動社群對techstyle創新的理解及認識。他熱衷在時事裡發掘新見解,並曾參與不同行業的消費者研究項目。在加入南豐作坊之前,曾令航在Coresight Research諮詢公司從事電商及新零售相關的行業分析。他擁有香港城市大學文學士學位。

Ken Lam

Ken Lam

G-LOCS 亞洲營銷總監

Ken is the second generation owner and Asia Sales Director of G-Locs Group, a leading sustainable packaging company dually head quartered in Hong Kong and Istanbul. G-Locs group owns 10 factories in 7 countries and sales offices across Asia and Europe. The group focuses on designing, developing and manufacturing different sustainable packaging products for leading fashion retailers.

Ken Lam

G-LOCS 亞洲營銷總監

Ken is the second generation owner and Asia Sales Director of G-Locs Group, a leading sustainable packaging company dually head quartered in Hong Kong and Istanbul. G-Locs group owns 10 factories in 7 countries and sales offices across Asia and Europe. The group focuses on designing, developing and manufacturing different sustainable packaging products for leading fashion retailers.




Mr. Cheng serves as a Non-Executive Director of Wing Tai Holdings Limited; the Managing Director and General Manager of Wing Tai Corporation Limited.

Mr. Cheng is a Director of the Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manufacturers, the Chairman of the Clothing Industry Training Authority since September 2019, the Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries – Group 24, a member of the Employees Retraining Board – Wearing Apparel and Textile Industry Consultative Network, a member of Hong Kong Trade Development Council – Garment Advisory, an external member of City University of Hong Kong – Department of Marketing Departmental Advisory Committee, a Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce of Guangzhou Foreign Investment Enterprises, a Vice President of Friends of The Community Chest Wan Chai District, a member of the 12th National Committee of Yunnan Province, a Honorary President of Yunnan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce of Macau Yunnan Friendship and Fraternity Association of Macau and a Honorary President of Hong Kong Asia Youth Association.

Mr. Cheng graduated from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Science degree and holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Pepperdine University, USA.



Mr. Cheng serves as a Non-Executive Director of Wing Tai Holdings Limited; the Managing Director and General Manager of Wing Tai Corporation Limited.

Mr. Cheng is a Director of the Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manufacturers, the Chairman of the Clothing Industry Training Authority since September 2019, the Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries – Group 24, a member of the Employees Retraining Board – Wearing Apparel and Textile Industry Consultative Network, a member of Hong Kong Trade Development Council – Garment Advisory, an external member of City University of Hong Kong – Department of Marketing Departmental Advisory Committee, a Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce of Guangzhou Foreign Investment Enterprises, a Vice President of Friends of The Community Chest Wan Chai District, a member of the 12th National Committee of Yunnan Province, a Honorary President of Yunnan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce of Macau Yunnan Friendship and Fraternity Association of Macau and a Honorary President of Hong Kong Asia Youth Association.

Mr. Cheng graduated from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Science degree and holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Pepperdine University, USA.




Professor of Practice HiESD (HK)

Adjunct Professor NJJIT (China)

Senior Engineer (Textiles), FCTES; MHKITA

Fellows FBVCBS

Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP)

International Society of Sustainability Professionals. USA.

Chartered Institute for Textiles, Clothing & Footwear, UK

University of Cambridge, CISL


  • Prof. WONG has over 30 years’ experience in the luxury fashion field.  And over 20 years in the building industry with high end interior decoration. Recently he focuses on Sustainable Development of Animal-Based Industries, including the meat, animal fibres, fashion and pet industries.


  • Chairman of Sustainable Development Committee of Chinese Manufacturers Asso.
  • Founding President of Institute of International Sustainable Development
  • Associate Dean, Publicity of SDG Industry-education-research, HiESD
  • Founding Chairman of “Belt & Road Youth Foundation” (HK Charity # 91/15440)
  • Senior Expert Advisor of GBA Carbon Neutrality Asso.
  • Advisor of Asso. of Family Offices in Asia- MAG
  • Director of HK Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)
  • Director of HK Brand Development Council
  • External Advisor of HK Poly Univ CPCE CPD Steering Committee
  • Advisor of The Education Univ. Of HK Edu-plus Internship program
  • School Manager of CCK Secondary School
  • Chairman of Audit Committee and Director of a 60 years-old International Trade Federation


  • Former Advisor to the HKSAR Agriculture and Fisheries & Conservation Department’s Endangered Plants & Animals Species Advisory Committee
  • Former Director at ESF Foundation Board
  • Former School Manager at Island School


  • Arte Moda International Enterprise – Chairman
  • Nanjing China Railway Best Joint Comm. Co Ltd. – CEO


Contact: thomas_c_c_wong@hotmail.com



Professor of Practice HiESD (HK)

Adjunct Professor NJJIT (China)

Senior Engineer (Textiles), FCTES; MHKITA

Fellows FBVCBS

Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP)

International Society of Sustainability Professionals. USA.

Chartered Institute for Textiles, Clothing & Footwear, UK

University of Cambridge, CISL


  • Prof. WONG has over 30 years’ experience in the luxury fashion field.  And over 20 years in the building industry with high end interior decoration. Recently he focuses on Sustainable Development of Animal-Based Industries, including the meat, animal fibres, fashion and pet industries.


  • Chairman of Sustainable Development Committee of Chinese Manufacturers Asso.
  • Founding President of Institute of International Sustainable Development
  • Associate Dean, Publicity of SDG Industry-education-research, HiESD
  • Founding Chairman of “Belt & Road Youth Foundation” (HK Charity # 91/15440)
  • Senior Expert Advisor of GBA Carbon Neutrality Asso.
  • Advisor of Asso. of Family Offices in Asia- MAG
  • Director of HK Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)
  • Director of HK Brand Development Council
  • External Advisor of HK Poly Univ CPCE CPD Steering Committee
  • Advisor of The Education Univ. Of HK Edu-plus Internship program
  • School Manager of CCK Secondary School
  • Chairman of Audit Committee and Director of a 60 years-old International Trade Federation


  • Former Advisor to the HKSAR Agriculture and Fisheries & Conservation Department’s Endangered Plants & Animals Species Advisory Committee
  • Former Director at ESF Foundation Board
  • Former School Manager at Island School


  • Arte Moda International Enterprise – Chairman
  • Nanjing China Railway Best Joint Comm. Co Ltd. – CEO


Contact: thomas_c_c_wong@hotmail.com

Osvaldo-Patricio Alvarez-Perez

Osvaldo-Patricio Alvarez-Perez


Mr. Osvaldo-Patricio Alvarez-Perez’s involvement in national, regional, and international policy-making and environmental governance in the chemicals and hazardous wastes field began in 2006 when he was appointed Officer-in-charge of Chemicals and Waste Conventions by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Department for the Environment). From 2007 to 2009, he served as a co-chair of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Cooperation and Coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions.

As a Foreign Service Officer, he has been posted at the Mission of Chile to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva and New York. He has also served at the Embassy of Chile in Canada and Costa Rica.

As of 16 December 2018, he is the Consul General of Chile to Hong Kong and Macau SAR.

In March 2011, he was appointed Head of the Department for the Environment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Santiago, Chile, and later Head of the Department of the Hazardous Chemicals and Waste cluster.

He has actively participated or coordinated for the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries in the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel Convention (COP-8, COP-9, COP-10, COP-11, COP-13, and COP-14), Rotterdam Convention (COP-3, COP-4, COP-5, COP-6, COP-8, and COP-9) and Stockholm Convention (COP-3, COP-4, COP-5, COP-6, COP-8, and COP-9). This role also included IFCS FORA V and VI, ICCM-2, and the Basel Convention OEWG V, OEWG VI, and OEWG VII.

He served as President of the Basel Convention COP-15, President of the Rotterdam Convention COP-9, President of the Stockholm Convention COP-6, Vice-president of the International Conference on Chemicals Management 2 and 3, and re-elected Vice-president to the Basel Convention COP-9.

On 25 May 2022, he was elected Vice-president of the Minamata Convention COP-5. The fifth Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention will likely be held in November 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.

And on 17 June 2022, he was elected Vice-president of the Rotterdam Convention COP-11. The eleventh Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention will likely be held in May or June 2023 in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

Specialties: Law

Osvaldo-Patricio Alvarez-Perez


Mr. Osvaldo-Patricio Alvarez-Perez’s involvement in national, regional, and international policy-making and environmental governance in the chemicals and hazardous wastes field began in 2006 when he was appointed Officer-in-charge of Chemicals and Waste Conventions by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Department for the Environment). From 2007 to 2009, he served as a co-chair of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Cooperation and Coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions.

As a Foreign Service Officer, he has been posted at the Mission of Chile to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva and New York. He has also served at the Embassy of Chile in Canada and Costa Rica.

As of 16 December 2018, he is the Consul General of Chile to Hong Kong and Macau SAR.

In March 2011, he was appointed Head of the Department for the Environment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Santiago, Chile, and later Head of the Department of the Hazardous Chemicals and Waste cluster.

He has actively participated or coordinated for the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries in the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel Convention (COP-8, COP-9, COP-10, COP-11, COP-13, and COP-14), Rotterdam Convention (COP-3, COP-4, COP-5, COP-6, COP-8, and COP-9) and Stockholm Convention (COP-3, COP-4, COP-5, COP-6, COP-8, and COP-9). This role also included IFCS FORA V and VI, ICCM-2, and the Basel Convention OEWG V, OEWG VI, and OEWG VII.

He served as President of the Basel Convention COP-15, President of the Rotterdam Convention COP-9, President of the Stockholm Convention COP-6, Vice-president of the International Conference on Chemicals Management 2 and 3, and re-elected Vice-president to the Basel Convention COP-9.

On 25 May 2022, he was elected Vice-president of the Minamata Convention COP-5. The fifth Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention will likely be held in November 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.

And on 17 June 2022, he was elected Vice-president of the Rotterdam Convention COP-11. The eleventh Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention will likely be held in May or June 2023 in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

Specialties: Law



畢馬威中國合夥人及ESG香港主管兼KPMG IMPACT可持續金融事務全球聯席主席

吳柏年是畢馬威中國合夥人,也是環境、社會及管治服務香港主管合夥人和KPMG IMPACT可持續金融事務全球聯席主席。他同時領導香港辦事處的可持續金融服務,積極參與香港和區內國際金融中心的ESG發展。




畢馬威中國合夥人及ESG香港主管兼KPMG IMPACT可持續金融事務全球聯席主席

吳柏年是畢馬威中國合夥人,也是環境、社會及管治服務香港主管合夥人和KPMG IMPACT可持續金融事務全球聯席主席。他同時領導香港辦事處的可持續金融服務,積極參與香港和區內國際金融中心的ESG發展。





Prof. George G. Q. Huang is Chair Professor and Head of Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. He gained his BEng and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Southeast University (China) and Cardiff University (UK) respectively. He has conducted research projects in areas of Smart Manufacturing, Logistics, Construction and Systems Analytics through Cyber-Physical Internet with substantial government and industrial grants exceeding HK$60M. One of his on-going R&D projects is to use blockchain and IoT technology to facilitate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting for listed companies. He collaborated extensively with industries through joint projects and start-up companies. He has published extensively including over three hundred refereed articles in journals and conferences in addition to ten monographs, edited reference books and conference proceedings. He is among “Top 1% Most Cited Scholar” and highly ranked internationally in his research areas. He serves as associate editors and editorial members for several international journals. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), fellow of ASME, HKIE, IET and CILT, and member of IIE and HKLA.



Prof. George G. Q. Huang is Chair Professor and Head of Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. He gained his BEng and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Southeast University (China) and Cardiff University (UK) respectively. He has conducted research projects in areas of Smart Manufacturing, Logistics, Construction and Systems Analytics through Cyber-Physical Internet with substantial government and industrial grants exceeding HK$60M. One of his on-going R&D projects is to use blockchain and IoT technology to facilitate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting for listed companies. He collaborated extensively with industries through joint projects and start-up companies. He has published extensively including over three hundred refereed articles in journals and conferences in addition to ten monographs, edited reference books and conference proceedings. He is among “Top 1% Most Cited Scholar” and highly ranked internationally in his research areas. He serves as associate editors and editorial members for several international journals. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), fellow of ASME, HKIE, IET and CILT, and member of IIE and HKLA.



Alexander Chan is currently the Co-Director of The Mills Fabrica- a leading Hong Kong based incubator, fund and space/lab/store dedicated towards promoting innovations and sustainable businesses at the intersection of technology and style (“techstyle”). Alexander currently leads investments (Fabrica Fund) and also helps with incubation support and government/ policy related affairs at Fabrica.

Alexander is also an occasional contributor to SCMP, HKFP and Stand News in Hong Kong where he writes on issues related to innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability.



Alexander Chan is currently the Co-Director of The Mills Fabrica- a leading Hong Kong based incubator, fund and space/lab/store dedicated towards promoting innovations and sustainable businesses at the intersection of technology and style (“techstyle”). Alexander currently leads investments (Fabrica Fund) and also helps with incubation support and government/ policy related affairs at Fabrica.

Alexander is also an occasional contributor to SCMP, HKFP and Stand News in Hong Kong where he writes on issues related to innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability.




Fashion Summit (HK) 2022

“Eco-Friendly Packaging in Fashion” Seminar

Consent on the use of my personal data

The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by Fashion Summit (HK), Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) for the purpose of administration, evaluation, statistical analysis and management your registration.

The above represents your present choice whether or not to receive promotional materials of Fashion Summit (HK) or CITA or HKTDC. This replaces any choice communicated by you to Fashion Summit (HK) or CITA or HKTDC prior to this application. You may, at any time, choose not to receive marketing literature by emailing us to unsubscribe@cita.org.hk


時尚高峰(香港)及製衣業訓練局會使用透過本表格上所獲得的個人資料,用於行政、評估、統計分析和處理註冊/申請等事宜。閣下可隨時電郵至 unsubscribe@cita.org.hk 取消這項接受宣傳資料服務安排。


時尚高峰(香港) 2022

「時裝世界 X 環保包裝」研討會


Consent on the use of my personal data

The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by Fashion Summit (HK), Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) for the purpose of administration, evaluation, statistical analysis and management your registration.

The above represents your present choice whether or not to receive promotional materials of Fashion Summit (HK) or CITA or HKTDC. This replaces any choice communicated by you to Fashion Summit (HK) or CITA or HKTDC prior to this application. You may, at any time, choose not to receive marketing literature by emailing us to unsubscribe@cita.org.hk


時尚高峰(香港) 2023





以上代表 閣下目前就是否希望收到時尚高峰(香港)、製衣業訓練局及WWF香港分會推廣資訊的選擇,並取代 閣下於本申請前向時尚高峰(香港)、製衣業訓練局及WWF香港分會傳達的任何選擇。您可隨時電郵至 unsubscribe@cita.org.hksupporter@wwf.org.hk取消這項接受宣傳資料服務的安排。


時尚高峰(香港) 2022





以上代表 閣下目前就是否希望收到時尚高峰(香港)或製衣業訓練局推廣資訊的選擇,並取代 閣下於本申請前向時尚高峰(香港)或製衣業訓練局傳達的任何選擇。您可隨時電郵至 unsubscribe@cita.org.hk 取消這項接受宣傳資料服務的安排。